Scorpion Contracting is supplying spacers which are used in order to separate the carrier pipe- line from the casing, Spacers isolate water, sewer and gas pipelines from casing simply and effectively. Insulators are required to separate casing and carrier pipes accordingly to the following requirement.
- Ensure electrical insulation between the carrier pipe and the casing pipe.
- Guarantee easy insertion of the carrier into the casing pipe preventing damage of carrier pipe coating.
- Allow secure fastening onto carrier pipes in order to avoid horizontal movement during insertion.
- Resistant to chemical corrosion.
- Resistant to mechanical, thermal shocks, and stresses; particularly during the installation and insertion operation.
- Spacers are manufactured entirely out of high density polyethylene (HDPE) no metal bolts or attachments are required.
- The Modular system which permits assembly of insulator rings, allowing spacers to be used on a wide pipe diameter range, therefore reducing inventory
- Spacers are quick and easily assembled by manually fitting elements one into the
- The tooth insertion method allows on site adjustments to fit a wide range of pipe
- Allow friction coefficient guarantees an easy insertion into the casing & constant protection around the entire circumference of the carrier
- Spacers can be installed on steel coated pipes, concrete pipes, ductile iron pipes, or plastic pipe, with long term support for the carrier pipe and its
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